Selective Service seeks volunteers for boards

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SSS-logo-cmykThe U.S. Selective Service is seeking volunteers to serve on local boards, including here in Chester County.

Even though there is no draft today, there is a need to be ready in case a national emergency requires Selective Service to provide additional personnel to augment our volunteer U.S Forces.

Selective Service is looking for men and women who would be willing to serve as members of local boards.  Local Board Members are volunteers appointed by the President.  They play an important community role closely connected with our Nation’s defense.  Potential members must be citizens, at least 18 years old, not employed in any law enforcement job, not an active or retired member of the Armed Forces and not have been convicted of any criminal offense.  Men must also be in compliance with the registration requirement of the Selective Service. 

If you are interested in serving and meet the requirements above, please call 847-688-4540 or visit the link for more information.

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