The only way to end the culture of political violence: vote

We are a nation steeped in violence but Donald Trump has introduced a new form of political violence. In the wake of the assassination attempt on him, we can’t react by denying reality or letting wishful thinking get in the way of dealing with that reality.
By Rich Heiland, Columnist, The Times
VIOLENCE HAS NO place in the United States?
What world do all the political and public figures...
Don’t waste your time engaging with Trump supporters; take ’em on at the polls

By Rich Heiland, Columnist, The Times
After Donald Trump’s latest horrific, anti-democracy, insulting comments, anyone who still supports him is not worth engaging with…
But, they are worth taking on at the polls. Trump and his followers have removed any doubt about who they are and what they want, and it’s not a democratic republic. Far from it.
WE LIVE IN a time when up is down; the sun...
Election Day 2022: Be patient and ‘Don’t panic.’

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
While tonight might be election night, don’t expect results tonight.
It’s likely to be a bit more like 2020, when it took a few days to sort things out — a fact largely driven by your favorite GOP state legislator, as they and their cohorts refuse to allow counties to count the large number of mail-in ballots before election day — a transparent...
Letter: Fighting for the soul of our nation

To The Editor,
Our democracy is at risk. A year after that act of domestic terrorism on the U.S. Capitol, our country continues to be a battlefield over the legitimacy of our elections and the right to vote.
Believing the lies spread by the former president, elected Republicans and the right-wing media, thousands lay violent siege to our seat of American government, determined to stop the certification...
Don’t let anyone tell you differently, your vote matters

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
There’s a temptation to throw up one’s arms and say “it is hopeless. There is nothing I can do.”
I fear a lot of people may have that point of view when it comes to voting on Nov. 2. Fatigued from so much bad news, frustration and acting out by a small number of people, I understand why people would just want to ignore all of this, watch Netflix...
Mastriano’s ‘fraudit’ attempt is nothing more than an expensive embarrassment

By Mike McGann, Editor, the Times @mikemcgannpa
State Sen. Doug Mastriano is a lot of things.
An honest elected official trying to protect the vote is not one of them, however.
As proven by his stunt this week to “audit” three counties, Tioga, York and Philadelphia Mastriano is trying to claim there was some sort of voter fraud in 2020 that caused Joe Biden to win Pennsylvania in the presidential...
State officials reminder: you can vote early, in person

HARRISBURG — Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar today reviewed how to vote early in person by mail ballot at county election offices and satellite election offices, one of three voting options available to Pennsylvanians for the Nov. 3 election.
“I voted early in person in Bucks County, and it was easy, convenient and secure. I recommend it highly — you don’t have to worry about the...
Whatever else you do Tuesday, get out and vote!

Tuesday, Nov. 6 is Election Day. Polls in Pennsylvania are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. While the weather forecasts are less than ideal — possible thundershowers – there should be no major concerns to keep people from voting.
No matter what your personal view of the current political environment, you owe it to our future to cast your ballot.
For too many years, we heard “they’re both the...
Editorial: No excuse not to vote this Tuesday

This coming Tuesday, you may note some schools are closed and some local, state and federal offices are closed.
There’s a heck of a good reason: it’s Election Day.
But it’s an Election Day too many people sit out — for too many reasons, most of which really don’t hold water.
Tuesday’s elections will shape your local municipal government, your local board of education and county government,...
Letter: Reminder no need for photo ID on election day

To The Editor,
In 2014 the courts ruled that the Pennsylvania Voter ID law violated our state constitution. So you can imagine why I was shocked when earlier this month, as I entered the Chester County Assistance Office on behalf of a family in need, I saw three inaccurate and misleading posters stating that Pennsylvania’s Voter ID law was in litigation and that you could be required to show...