Inner Nature: Cannibalism – proscribed or protein?

By Vidya Rajan, Columnist, The Times Expose a young mouse mother to a stressful stimulus – say a sudden loud noise – and she may eat her own pups. Rough for the young. But what turns a mother from nurture to cannibalism in an instant? Bees will also eat their young – younger larvae first – under some circumstances ([1]). And humans too. Why do they do it? Cannibalism, which is the consumption...

You may not want to hear it, but Public Health Professionals are keeping us safe

By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times We are in complicated and trying times to be sure. This month I would like to spend a few moments thanking another group of unsung heroes in our current crisis.  Public health professionals have gotten ignored or “thrown under the bus” at times during this pandemic. I thought it prudent to share all of things we take for granted today...