Pa. GOP elected officials bear serious blame for the attempted coup

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa Sigh. Our nation’s capital is an armed camp. Our state capital is an armed camp. Peaceful this Sunday morning, so far, thankfully. Tragic, but necessary, as right-wing terrorists may be planning attacks in Washington, D.C. and in state capitals across the country because of a lie. Donald Trump did not win the presidential election. There was no...

Op/Ed: When democracy dies

By Lisa Longo, Special to The Times Lisa Longo Democracy fails when the few are permitted to hijack the concerns of the many. When elections become referendums on personalities and political parties are used as weapons against advocates and activists. When any party becomes a tactical weapon for special interest it loses all ability to speak for, or to, the people. We are at a pivotal point. We...