Carville and Matalin talk left & right at WCU
The married couple talk Trump, and a changing America
By Nathaniel Smith, Columnist, The Times
The prominent political strategists James Carville and Mary Matalin did a duo act on March 11 at West Chester University.
A large crowd came to hear the built-in drama of a Clinton person and a Cheney person happily married to each other (and who, we learned, started dating in Philadelphia 25 years ago). ...
Birthright citizen challenge is a slippery slope
Can citizenship be taken away by a whim?
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Much in line with the old Chinese curse, we live in interesting times.
Arguably, though, with more than one Republican presidential candidate arguing for repeal (or downright ignoring of) the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, suggesting that the children of illegal immigrants to the United States should be denied...
Pileggi out as Senate Majority Leader
GOP Senate votes him out in favor of Corman
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Sen. Dominic Pileggi
Chester County will no longer have representation in the leadership of either party’s leadership in the state legislature, after a shakeup Wednesday deposed Sen. Dominic Pileggi from his post as Majority Leader of the state Senate.
Pileggi (R-9), who represents a large portion of the eastern part...
Letter: Frustrated with deceptive political ads
To The Editor
Hear that? It’s a collective groan heard all across PA as the election shifts into full gear. We are bombarded with political ads: print ads, internet pop-ups, TV, radio and robo-calls. Primary ads are even more bizarre than general election ones. Republicans attack Republicans. Democrats attack Democrats. The ads are ugly. I think I speak for most ordinary citizens when I say I...
A rush to bipartisanism amid a few intra-party battles
Is getting along to get ahead back in fashion?
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Let’s face it, bipartisanism is the new black.
If you listened to a lot of political types in Chester County this past week, candidates and elected officials across the political spectrum were working to show their ability to make nice with the other side.
But roiling below the surface are a handful of intra-party...