Letter: Politics column is nothing more than wishful thinking

To The Editor, I recently read Mike McGann’s column regarding the 2016 election. Let me say first that I have generally been impressed with your political analysis, which (while having a Democrat tilt) was generally unbiased and on the mark. Any pretense of that type of balanced analysis, however, seems to have been lost in the divisiveness of this year’s election. Case in point is your...

Yup, it’s ‘Lawyers, Guns and Money’ time

Could the unthinkable happen in Unionville on Election Day? By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times It’s not even Labor Day yet and Election 2016 is already deeply into weeds of crazy, with apparent Russian Intelligence hackers seeking to impact two local congressional races, the local Corporate Republican Liberation Front is up to its old tricks and once unthinkable scenarios are now entirely plausible...

Chester County turns to business community to find poll workers

: Chester County Commissioners, Voter Services staff and county chambers of commerce members meet to launch the county’s Professional Civic Partnership program. Front left to right: Commissioners Terence Farrell, Kathi Cozzone and Michelle Kichline; second row left to right, Mark Yoder, Greater West Chester Chamber of Commerce; Guy Ciarrocchi, Chester County Chamber of Business & Industry;...

Local Democrats appear to enjoy surprising enthusiasm gap

Flap over Parrish’s finances may prove double-edge sword for GOP By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times With what seemed like a weekend of bad news, followed by the chaos at the start of the Democratic National Convention, if local Democrats seemed a bit down in the dumps, it wouldn’t be surprising. Instead though — and I witnessed this first-hand at the Kennett Area Democrats office opening...

County Democrats display passion at local office opening

Crowds pack new Kennett Area Democrats’ campaign facility By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Democrats from around Chester County gathered Sunday to celebrate the opening of the Kennett Area Democrats’ new campaign office on East Linden Street in Kennett Square. From left: State Rep. candidate Susan Rzucidlo, Chester County Democratic Chair Brian McGinnis, Attorney General Candidate...

A tale of two candidates and Trump

Also, can the CC GOP make up for national shortcomings in organization? By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times As Charles Dickens put it, “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Well, when it comes to politics and particularly those Republican candidates running down ballot of Donald J. Trump, it appears to be more of the latter. I give you a tale of two candidates, both of whom I...

Letter: Dinniman, Wolf have failed our schools

To The Editor: Governor Wolf and Senator Dinniman failed students, teachers and taxpayers this past week.  House Bill 805 would ensure that the best teachers are protected from layoffs and not simply the ones who are there the longest.  Rather than working to improve our education system and provide real accountability, Wolf and Dinniman opposed this legislation to protect the interests of a...

Trump, Clinton, Killion post big Election Day wins

Roe appears to have won write-in for 158th State House GOP nomination By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times The voters of Chester County spoke loud and clear — and picked Donald J. Trump as the Republican nominee, Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee for president as both won statewide, Tuesday. Turnout was very strong for a primary election, with nearly 52% of registered Republicans casting...

On endorsements and superdelegates: let the people decide

I don’t need elected officials to tell me who to vote for By Nathaniel Smith, Columnist, The Times I try to be appreciative of elected officials and the work they do.  And I wouldn’t want their jobs, not for the money and perks, not for the fame and glory. But right now I’m annoyed. Officials elected by vote of all the people of the state should, in my view, once elected, continue...

PA GOP builds brilliant GOTV plan — for Democrats

Attacking ‘Pre-Wal-Mart’ majors and abortion rights could lead Nov. disaster By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times There’s dumb and then there’s pour gasoline on yourself and dive into the barbecue dumb. And it seems like Republicans in your beloved state legislature have stocked up on the Kingsford and are wearing loads of Eau de Sunoco in a brilliant attempt to pander to a small minority...