Fresh flowers are a luxury we all can afford

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Blooms are a ‘must-have’ part of my decor

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times

KellyColumn415Newest815I remember, years ago, watching Oprah when she interviewed interior designer, Nate Berkus, and they were yapping on and on about the need for fresh flowers in the house. This memory is particularly salient because, at the time, both of my boys were really little and we lived in a tiny house strewn with baby paraphernalia. Worrying about a vase of flowers was the last thing on my list of priorities.

Fast forward a decade, or so, and I am now SO on the same page as Oprah!

Flower PowerWhile I do not have fresh cut blooms in every room (as much as I would loooooove to), you will never walk into my house and not see a bouquet on my kitchen island. EVER. It has become a part of my decor and I can’t live without it (OK, that’s obnoxious). But, flowers make me happy (especially when, in the background, the chaos from my two kids remains the same). The simple truth is, while billionaires, like Oprah, can afford a celebrity florist to make a weekly delivery, you don’t have to spend a fortune to achieve a professional looking bouquet.

Trader Joe’s is one of my favorite places to buy fresh flowers. They have an amazing assortment to choose from and they last at least a week.

The easiest way to an impressive and elegant arrangement is to buy one type of flower; but, make sure to grab two bunches so that it looks lusciously full. Pull off any leaves that are submerged under the water and add a quarter cup of clear soda (7Up or Sprite) which will infuse sugar into the stems.

If you are searching for more of a wild, carefree bouquet, my suggestion is to head over to the Produce Place on Cypress Street in Kennett. They have arrangements for ten bucks that look like something Martha Stewart put together. All that is required is a fresh cut to the bottom of the stems and a vase worthy of their magnificence!

The Kennett Square Farmers Market (every Friday from 2­-6pm) is also a great resource at this time of year! Add a bunch of flowers to your stash of delicious, locally grown fruits and veggies to start the weekend in style.

While I agree that fresh flowers in the house are a luxury, for these prices, it is a little easier to justify.

Do you buy them every week? If so, what kind and where do you find them? Please, share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Happy Weekend

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