Brandywine Health awards nursing scholarships

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The Brandywine Health Foundation recently awarded nine nursing scholarships to local nursing students. From left, Kristine Krueger, CCIU Practical Nursing Program; Dr. Linda Adams, Dean, WCU Nursing School; Ashlyn Danae Horrex (CCIU), Martha and Duane Bohlayer Scholarship; Anne Ford, Henrietta Potter Hankin Nursing Scholarship; Stephanie Lyons, Gemma Ryder, Erika Samuelson, Aimee Fernback, all of WCU Nursing School, receiving the James L. and Miquette M. Cox Nursing Scholarships, Devin Cunningham (Immaculata Univ.), Emily Seeker (WCU), Ethel G. Charlton Nursing Award & Coatesville Athletic Assoc. Scholarship, and Frances M. Sheehan, president and CEO, Brandywine Health Foundation. (Missing: Samantha Lynn (WCU), James L. and Miquette M. Cox Nursing Scholarship.)

COATESVILLE – Earlier this month the Brandywine Health Foundation awarded nine nursing scholarships at a breakfast hosted by Freedom Village Brandywine.  These scholarships, housed at the Brandywine Health Foundation, were established by generous individuals in the community over the last thirty years to help allow more students to graduate with a nursing degree and help close the gap on the nursing shortage in our country.

Almost $220,000 in nursing scholarships has been awarded since the foundation’s inception in 2001. 

Eligibility requires attendance at either West Chester University’s School of Nursing, Immaculata University’s Division of Nursing, or the Practical School of Nursing at the Chester County Intermediate Unit.  Although students in those programs can be from throughout the region, our purpose is to encourage more to enter the nursing field, but also to encourage those in these programs to stay in our area.

This year, the Brandywine Health Foundation congratulate the following students on receiving the following awards:

Martha and Duane Bohlayer Nursing Scholarship: Ashlyn Danae Horrex

Ethel G. Charlton Award and Coatesville Athletic Association Scholarship: Emily Seeker

Gunard Berry Carlson Recognition: Devon Cunningham

Henrietta Potter Hankin Award and the Myrtle Harvey Award & Doris K. Cumber Memorial Award: Ann D. Ford

James L. and Miquette M. Cox Awards: Aimee Fernback; Samantha Lynn, Stephanie Lyons, Gemma Ryder and Erika Samulsen

The Brandywine Health Foundation seeks to grow these funds and to add more so that no one is deterred for financial reasons from entering the nursing field.  To learn more about how to establish a fund at the foundation, and to make a donation on-line, visit them at

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