Coatesville residents learn about Affordable health care resources while receiving free laundry services thanks to Equity Health Center

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Moira Gassenmeyer, EHC Integrated Health Director, Moses of Fluff & Fold, and Grace Fuller, EHC Community Engagement Coordinator

As national and worldwide attention was focused on Philadelphia yesterday for the presidential debate, a local Equity Health Center (EHC) event in the city of Coatesville illustrated how major progess in achieving health equity can be made with many small steps.

Fluff & Fold laundromat was the site of  “Loads of Health” during which Equity Health Center paid laundry fees—including over 300 loads of wash—for everyone who visited the facility between 12 p.m. and 7 p.m. EHC staff and representatives from Coatesville Center for Community Health were on hand to answer questions and provide information about health care services and resources available in the Coatesville area.

“Forging strong connections with the community is key to our mission to build an integrated healthcare ecosystem that meets the needs of all residents in the Greater Coatesville region,” says Moira Gassenmeyer, EHC Integrated Health Director. “This event was the first of many during which we look forward to meeting our community members where they are to increase awareness of EHC’s service providers and resources. The opportunity to engage on a personal level and have meaningful conversations will keep us moving forward in providing affordable health care solutions.”

“We are grateful to Zeke’s, Inc., owner of Fluff & Fold, and especially to staffer Moses for welcoming us in and providing invaluable support throughout the day,” says Grace Fuller, EHC Community Engagement Coordinator.

Founded in 2023, Equity Health Center is a collaboration between The Alliance for Health Equity and The Health Equity Group (formerly the Greater Coatesville Hospital Closure Group). Financial support for EHC comes from the Chester County Commissioners’ American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.

EHC’s physical location on the 4th floor of the Brandywine Center co-locates partners such as Community Volunteers in Medicine, who serve those without insurance. This joins the preexisting dental and medical services provided by ChesPenn on the first floor, primarily funded by grants from The Alliance for Health Equity, and affordable senior living facilities on the second and third floor, also supported by The AHE.

EHC’s user-friendly website helps residents identify physical and mental health services, regardless of insurance status, learn about free wellness events, transportation, and more. More information is available by contacting Moira Gassenmeyer via phone at 484-257-9762 or email at

Individuals and corporations interested in contributing to Equity Health Center’s sustainability can learn more about financially supporting EHC by calling Kevin Ressler, President and CEO of The Alliance for Health Equity, at 484-257-9898.

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