Bishop Shanahan High School celebrated the graduation of the Class of 2024.
Bishop Shanahan High School held its commencement exercises on the morning of June 7 in the BSHS auditorium, paying tribute to the Class of 2024. This year’s graduating class included 209 students who were accepted to four-year colleges and universities such as Villanova University, Thomas Jefferson University, University of Florida, University of Miami, and University of Illinois. The class also received more than $53,000,000 in total college scholarships. The Most Reverend John J. McIntyre, D.D., V.G. presided over the graduation ceremony.
Viola Kapaj, who will be attending the University of Miami, was the valedictorian. During her speech, Viola encouraged her classmates: “Despite what many of us may think, change is ultimately necessary. Change is what helps us improve. Change is what helps us grow. Most importantly, change is what helps us ultimately succeed….Our ability to adapt and change has provided us with our biggest lessons, and has guided us on the path for success in high school, college, and beyond.”
Samuel Joseph Gorman, who will be attending Villanova University, was the salutatorian. During his speech, Samuel remarked to his classmates, “Today, we stand at a crossroads, about to take our first steps into the unknown, with one foot still planted here at Shanahan….Bishop Shanahan has given us the ‘gear’ we will need to be bright minds, future leaders – and most importantly good people of God.”
Also at the commencement exercises, the Shanahan Medal was presented to Mr. Louis N. Teti. Mr. Teti is a longtime supporter of Shanahan who has served on the Board of Directors, Endowment Fund Golf Outing Committee, Advisory Board, and more. This medal is awarded annually to a person or group of persons whose service, commitment, and dedication to Catholic education deserve recognition and gratitude.