CASH Alumni for Kids, Oct. 25

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coatesville_raider_head_sizeCOATESVILLE — On Saturday, Oct. 25, the Brandywine Health Foundation will host a one of a kind event, “CASH Alumni Reuniting for Coatesville’s Kids.” Today, the bright, promising youth in Coatesville are facing new challenges and need help.   This event will bring together former Coatesville classmates, teachers, coaches, and other who are proud to have grown up in Coatesville, in support of the Coatesville youth.  Everyone is invited!  Even if you are not a CASH grad, but care about helping our youth, this is a great networking and community building event not to be missed!
This event promises to be a great evening filled with food… fun… laughter… music… memories… AND MEANING! It will be a chance to eat, drink and share memories with old friends and meet new ones, while hearing from some of the impressive young people who have personally benefitted from the Coatesville Youth Initiative’s programs.
Proceeds from this event will benefit the Coatesville Youth Initiative.  After 5 years of incubating under the umbrella of the Brandywine Health Foundation, the Coatesville Youth Initiative is now an independent non-profit organization committed to training youth leaders, enhancing family relationships, building community collaboration, and encouraging prevention education.
Tickets are priced to be very affordable, and event sponsorship opportunities are still available. For more information and ticket reservations, visit or call 610-380-9080.

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