What To Do (Local): Yuletide at Devon, lights at Griswolds and more this weekend

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times Editor’s Note: Due to the larger number of holiday events, we’ve broken our listings into two entries: this one for the local Chester County, Delaware County and Delaware and a second for events around the greater Philadelphia region. Yuletide at Devon Christmas Day is looming on the horizon. Holiday celebrations in Chester County are everywhere...

What To Do: Fall foliage tours hit their peak

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times West Chester Railroad There are people who love Halloween – people who love the concept of trick-or-treat — people who love pumpkins, eat pumpkin muffins with pumpkin-spiced lattes and would probably gargle with pumpkin-flavored mouthwash if it existed. Then there are people on the other side of the fence (or the other side of the pumpkin...

What To Do: Earth Day celebrations throughout the area

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times  Longwood Gardens Earth Day is a worldwide environmental movement that takes place every year on April 22. The goal of this celebration is to raise awareness about sustainability and clean living, and to educate people on the importance of preserving our planet. The Earth Day 2023 theme is focused on engaging the more than 1 billion people, governments,...

Longwood Gardens acquires former DuPont estate in Delaware

  Granogue Reserve Longwood Gardens and The Conservation Fund have entered into a binding agreement with Granogue Reserve, LTD., LLC (GRLLC) for Longwood to acquire and operate Granogue, the 505-acre estate and long-time residence of the late Mr. and Mrs. Irénée du Pont, Jr. located in New Castle County, Delaware. The agreement is based on a plan that was worked on jointly between Longwood...

What To Do: ‘Wonder’ at Longwood, Chinese New Year at Penn Museum

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times Longwood Gardens This weekend, Longwood Gardens (Route 1, Kennett Square, 610-388-1000, www.longwoodgardens.org) starts its new year with one of its annual special events – “Winter Wonder.” “Winter Wonder,” which runs from January 21-March 26, celebrates the beauty of winter. It’s all about outdoor spacious, indoor oasis, and the power...

What To Do: Holiday events are just about everywhere this weekend

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times Chester County Hospital Lights Up Holiday Weekends in West Chester. So many holiday events….so little time. Every year, there are so many holiday celebrations that it becomes hard to keep count. Fortunately, many interesting, long-running Christmas events can be found right here in Chester County. Downingtown Good Neighbor Christmas held its annual...

What To Do: National Dog Show tops busy schedule of events

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times  National Dog Show If you suffer from cynophobia then don’t even think about visiting the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center (100 Station Ave., Oaks, 484-754-3976, http://www.phillyexpocenter.com) this weekend. Cynophobia is the fear of dogs. On November 19 and 20, the National Dog Show will be held at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center – from...

What To Do: Goshen Fair tops list of busy local events this weekend

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times August has arrived and that means it’s time for country fairs, festivals, outdoor concerts, big top circus shows and nature-related events. Some of the events – such as the Goshen Fair and Das Awkscht Fescht – have been around for a long time. One of the best summertime fairs is the annual Goshen Country Fair (Goshen Fairgrounds, Park Avenue,...

What To Do: African American Cultural Fair returns to Coatesville

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times  Africa will be in the spotlight at two special area events this week – a festival in Coatesville and a concert at Longwood Gardens. The African American Cultural Alliance is inviting everyone to come to Coatesville this weekend. Now through July 30, the group is presenting the Second Annual African American Cultural Fair of Coatesville. The Fair...

What To Do: New ‘Light” installation art at Longwood

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times Longwood Gardens Longwood Gardens (Route 1, Kennett Square, www.longwoodgardens.org) is always a special place to visit – especially during the run of its annual “Festival of Fountains.” The 2022 “Festival of Fountains” opened in May and is running through September 26. This summer is even more special because of light. More specifically...